In additional to treating common vision disorders, the team at Long Vision Center offers several types of eyelid procedures to treat different conditions.
Entropion and ectropion are two types of eyelid problems that can cause discomfort and irritation of the eyes. They both generally require surgical repair to avoid eye health issues and potential vision loss.
Entropion is a “turning in” of the eyelid. Typically occurring on the lower eyelid, the skin and lashes rub painfully against the cornea. The condition may cause the lid to turn in constantly or only at times when the eyes are closed tightly.
Entropion usually arises as a result of aging since the muscles around the eyes may progressively weaken. A spasm or relaxation of the muscles near the eye can cause the lid to turn inward. Other causes can include injury, congenital defect, skin infections and various inflammatory conditions. Due to irritation and chronic infections most cases of entropion are treated with a quick surgical procedure. The area is numbed with a local anesthetic and sometimes light sedation is provided.
Ectropion is a “turning out” of the eyelid. Typically occurring on the lower eyelid, the skin of the inner lid is exposed, either in one section of eye or across the entire lid. This prevents tears from draining from the eye correctly, resulting in irritation.
Common causes of ectropion include age-related weakening of the connective tissue around the eye, sun damage, tumors, and burns. In some cases, ectropion occurs as a congenital birth defect or as a result of facial palsy.
A quick surgical procedure in which the lid is tightened is usually necessary. The area is numbed with a local anesthetic and sometimes light sedation is provided as well. For ectropion due to muscle weakness, the surgery may involve the removal of a small section of eyelid to tighten the muscles in the area. When the ectropion is caused by scars or prior surgery, the procedure typically relies on a skin graft to allow a repositioning of the eyelid.
As we age, it’s common for the skin on our upper eyelids to loosen and sag, or for “bags” of excess fat to accumulate underneath our lower eyelids. Eyelid surgery rejuvenates the upper and/or lower eyelids by removing excess saggy skin, tightening the remaining skin and muscles and smoothing any under-eye bags or areas of puffiness. Many times the upper eyelids sag and impede or restrict patient’s vision. When this occurs it is considered a medical condition and most insurances cover the procedure.